[2022] How to Solve Large File Transfer Problem?

Large file transfers are often a huge challenge for organizations, especially when data needs to be transferred across long distances and scattered servers in a short period of time. If you do not have the right toolset to try to transfer large files, it means that the massive file transfer process may face risks of data security, high latency, TCP/IP transmission limitations, data transmission failure, data loss, and inefficient use of bandwidth.

large file transfer solutions

With a fast file transfer solution equipped to handle large files, you will not face the lack of SLA and critical deadlines, and you don't have to spend time worrying about when large files will arrive at their destination, just as you need. You are forced to carry or transport a hard copy of the data.

The problems solved by fast file transfer solutions include low bandwidth utilization, excessively long delays causing file transfer bottlenecks, slow, inaccurate and inefficient file transfer processes, large file transfers, long-distance file transfers, including large data set transfers.

When evaluating vendors and fast file transfer solutions, it is important to understand the common data transfer challenges caused by data transfer delays and the help of fast file transfer solutions.

Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted in a certain period of time. Bandwidth utilization is the amount of bandwidth used compared to the total bandwidth available. Always use all the bandwidth you pay for. Your company has purchased a certain amount of bandwidth from your service provider. How much bandwidth you pay depends on the maximum bandwidth you expect to use. However, only when there are occasional peaks do you actually use all the bandwidth you paid for.

Latency is the time it takes for the file to be transferred across the network. Delay has negative connotations, such as "the delay of the network is slowing down my transmission speed". Latency + bandwidth defines the speed and capacity of the network.

File transfer Protocol/Internet Protocol, the most commonly used protocol for Internet communication, TCP is optimized for accurate delivery rather than timely delivery. Therefore, TCP sometimes causes long delays when waiting for retransmission of out-of-order messages or lost messages. It is not suitable for real-time applications such as VOIP.

The data is divided into several parts and sent as individual "data packets", and then these data packets are recombined at the receiving end. The extra data is added in the form of a "header" that tells the receiving end how to reassemble the data packet and ensure that everything sent is actually received. This will split the file and reassemble the file, sending confirmations back and forth to ensure that there are no errors that will slow down the transmission (ie cause delays).

Raysync is a secure and high-speed file transfer solution. Providing a file transfer alternative to existing FTP servers. Raysync allows you to significantly reduce file transfer times and manage file via an easy to use user interface. In order to achieve stable high-speed file transfer, Raysync uses built-in ultra-high-speed transfer protocols, intelligent compression, and other technologies to increase the transfer speed to 100 times that of FTP. At the same time, it automatically and intelligently optimizes the network bandwidth, makes full use of the existing bandwidth, effectively reduces the impact of network delay, packet loss, etc., and realizes ultra-long-distance, cross-border large files, and high-speed transmission of massive small files. It can exert high efficiency and stable performance without special adjustment.

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